Starting Somewhere

At a time when the photo sharing platforms we’ve used since their inception are failing artists, I crave the ability to share my imagery with people that would really like to see it. I create a lot of work that doesn't make it onto my professional website or onto social media. I love snapping photos most everywhere I go and after I left the beautiful bubble of my college town, it’s been tough to maintain a creative community.

I’ve met so many awesome people in my time here in NYC. So many of you artists, whether in my industry or otherwise, have taught me so much and I feel myself putting this new knowledge to work. I grow more and more excited about the things I am making and I am so honored that you would like to see them.


I find myself writing narratives in my head for the images I create. Though, until now, I have had nowhere to publish them, these images do not exist in a vacuum and I want to share these stories, new and old, with you.

As a starting point, I am revisiting some imagery I made on March 19th, 2020. I had just been sent home early from my “semester” abroad in Italy and was quarantining alone near Lake Bowen, SC. One particular morning, the fog overtook the lake and gave the lake a new, sinister feeling.


Strangest of Neighbors